Refund multiple bookings

Issue a refund for multiple bookings at a time

Ryan Johnson

Last Update 3 years ago

If you need to process a refund for multiple bookings you can perform refunds from the Bookings -> Payments page.

Log in to your Undiscovered account

  • Click on My Events to navigate to your current and past events
  • From My Events select Manage -> Bookings from the event you would like to process refunds for.
  • Or if you are already viewing your event, select Bookings -> Payments from the event menu

From My Events page

or select Bookings from the event's menu

Payments page

From the payments page you can select the payment(s) that you would like to refund by clicking the checkbox next to the relevant bookings. You can use the search bar for any details of the booking including name, booking reference, email etc. Then click the "Refund selected" button.

Choose the amount to refund per ticket

You can use the slider to change the maximum amount to refund per ticket. Or leave unchanged to refund the entire ticket price for each selected booking.

Enter the confirmation text and then click confirm to complete the refund on the selected bookings

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