How to check in your guests

Learn how to use the check in

Ryan Johnson

Last Update 3 years ago

Navigate to the Check-in page from your events menu

If your event has multiple sessions or sections

A popup will appear if you have more than one session or section which allows you to select the session you'd like to check guests into. Click the appropriate section

You can switch sections by clicking the blue button located in the check in status window 

The Check In page

The check-in pages shows you a list of valid ticket holders. Guests that have not been checked in will have a blue "Check In" button below their details 

Search and Check your guest in

Use the search bar to search for the guest you would like to check in. Searching by last name is usually faster.

Once you've located your guest. Click the blue "Check In" button and then the green Check In button to confirm

Checking out a guest

If you've accidentally checked in the wrong guest you can undo the check in by locating the guest and clicking the "Undo" button and confirm with the "Undo" green button

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